IOT Environmental Monitoring     ~ Bee Hotel ~     Helping alpine pollinators.

Long term data logging of the Pyrenees alpine microclimates.

La Cerdanya ~ Roca Gran

 Alpine ecosystems are particularly sensitive to climate change and severe warming is predicted for high elevations. Monitoring stations are being deployed to record changing microclimates and the effects on pollinators.

Will pollinators be able to encounter sufficient quantities of flowers on their migration to higher altitudes to escape the heat?

La Cerdanya Wild Cherry

Pyrenees Bee Hotel provides nesting sites for solitary bees. The hotel is rated 5 stars and includes WiFi, [camera], sensor network, pool, mud pit and nesting tubes.

It is 100% solar powered and captures rainwater.

Solitary Bee Nesting Trays


Designed for an optimal nesting experience for your solitary bees.

Semi poreus for fresh air flow.

Splits open ~ easy to clean helping maintain bee health and a growing population.

Pyrenees Bee Hotel


Plenty of rooms available for all of your local solitary bees.

Extra rooms at 8mm diameter to accommodate the most common solitary bee size.

Woods sourced from a sustainable agriforest company.

Pre drilled mounting holes and fixtures.


Pollinator data on your device via WiFi.

Basic sensor pack includes:

  • Air temperature, humidity and pressure.
  • Core temperature
  • Lumens
  • WiFI signal strength
  • Battery voltage

Solar powered.

Have a look at the streaming data.

Optionally available long term data storage and display.


Pre-provisioned on the TTN LoRaWan Network.

Over 10Km range with direct line of sight.

*Must be visible to an existing LoraWan gateway.

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